Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Reasons why having a chromebook at school is beneficial

Hey fellow bloggers today I made a persuasive story on why chromebooks should be used in all schools and why they are beneficial hope you enjoy :D

Why students should be given chromebooks at school and why it's beneficial

For most people school is boring. I disagree school is fun but it's even better when you're on a chromebook. chromebook schools are just as beneficial as a normal school if not more and here's my reasons why… 

The pros and cons of having a chromebook for school:


  1.  kids will learn to use technology which can be used in the future,kids will also most likely need this skill in their job or life itself

  1. If kids don’t understand something instead of having to ask the teacher they can look at themselves which will also teach them problem solving skills.

  1. It's more fun! Yes I know that school isn't about having fun and it's about learning but kids will enjoy it much more if it's online and even though even some studies show kids who have gone to an online school enjoyed it more than ones who didn’t.


  1. kids can get distracted with the internet VERY EASILY!! So you should monitor and see if they’re doing school work if they’re relatively young or if they are irresponsible.

  1. Kids think if they’re on the internet they don’t have to do work when that's not the case. The longer the students do chromebook learning the more they’ll get better at avoiding this.

So overall there's more pros than cons. These are some of the reasons why I think chromebook schools is beneficial but I have more reasons…

Kids should learn to research stuff themself so they learn problem solving skills as well as not bothering other people to know the answer to a question. Because say for instance Harry needs to know the cause of WW1 rather than asking an adult or teacher they can simply look it up themself. It's a very useful skill that people use in their everyday life and could be crucial to a child's question sometimes even adults don’t know the answer.

thirdly it's just more fun in general children at school with chromebooks will have a much better time. I’ve already said this but the children's enjoyment is definitely important otherwise they will hate school if it's boring also it's easier for children to learn to type at an early age in life and also will end up being easier than pen and paper!

So in the end I think that every school should give out chromebooks they help kids and their future hope you enjoyed this piece of writing and that you see why you should get a chromebook or a device for school and bye!